Well here we are. Look I have a blog and everything. That means I really have to start posting on a somewhat regular basis. Don't count on that but I am willing to give it a go.
Seriously though. Back in the summer of 2009 I designed a quick and dirty Hop Creative site using the ever so wonderful Wordpress platform. At the time it did the trick and it certainly still could. But this time around I opted to go all in with SquareSpace to develop something that's a little more ...well... me.
My little side project 'Hop Creative' has come a long way. It has evolved from a casual freelance gig to something that is now a creative playground for myself. It still is a 'side project' for myself and probably always will be. What it really does is it allows me to polish my creative skills in the evening when I'm not at my day job. Since I love what I do I don't mind the extra work at all. Some call me crazy but I call it fun. I get excited over the littlest things when it comes to design so the fact that I get the privilege of creating things for people is an honour.
So on this site of mine you'll of course see some samples of what i'm up to. It's by no means everything but it does give you a snap shot of what Hop Creative can do for you.
That's it for now. Feel free to tell your friends about the site. I would certainly appreciate it.